Stay tuned about the changes on the web (⌐■_■)

08/06/24-( Bad and good news haha):

Hi everyone, recently you may noticed i take a break from the game and the web,

but for good news i came back to stil work on both proyects :), and for the bad

the took down the discord :(, sooo for replace our communication i created a forum

so you can talk with me and send advises, suggestions or even fan arts in a easier way,

Thats all, see ya :P

19/02/24-( New youtube channel and restructuration of web):

Hiiiiiii, i recently make a youtube channel =D, i hope you can check it and subscribe,

i will upload loads of content in the future :), also "comics" section is now "fans" section

and i will upload all your fan-arts and any type of content you make about the game.

See yaaaaaaaaa (:

05/02/24-( Inauguration of the web =) ):

Hi and thanks to check out my site, today is finally available for everyone in the world,

i hope you like how it looks, there still some thing to fix in the future, but for now

is pretty much the necessary haha, i will update you about the things i upload :).